Marlena Szczur and Akerke Mukhamadi International Business Management students, cooperating with the Department of Entrepreneurship at UITM, won the Final Pitch: Phase 1 – LEARN, in the Health category. As the „Star-E” team, the students developed the concept of the „Neurosparkle” platform, which aims to provide help to neurodiverse people.

The competition was held as part of the SFF program, the aim of which is to combine science with business and initiate cooperation between academic lecturers and people planning their first steps in business.

Marlena Szczur and Akerke Mukhamadi competed with 20 teams in the Health category and 92 teams in Phase 1 – LEARN. Their project received very positive opinions and was qualified for the Match&Start SFF program. This is a huge success and distinction for both the UITM students (members of the Economic Research Club operating at the UITM Entrepreneurship Department), as well as Dr. Łukasz Cywiński, who took care of the substantive preparation of the students to participate in the competition, and Dr. hab. Tomasz Skica, prof. WSIiZ, coordinator of the SFF.DeepT+ project, supervisor of the LEARN and Match&Start programs at our University.

The Department of Entrepreneurship and the Department of Artificial Intelligence at UITM are implementing the project „DeepTech in Higher Education Institutions and Ecosystems through Entrepreneurial Education+”, financed by the EIT HEI Initiative, which is an EU body and an integral part of Horizon Europe, the EU framework program for scientific research and innovation. The goal of SFF.DeepT+ is to build a bridge between universities, business institutions and business incubators and people who want to expand their business knowledge to translate it into their own projects and companies.