Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

Creating a friendly work environment for researchers and transparent principles of researcher recruitment is one of the aims of the European Commission.

UITM aspires to be counted among modern international Universities which maintain the standards contained in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The Commission’s Recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and on the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers issued 2005, has for the last several years been the reference point for shaping HR policy and research policy at UITM. In the last two years (2014-2016) those activities have been intensified due to the application process for the HR Excellence in Research logo.

Granting the right to use the logo is one of EC activities within the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, aimed at increasing the attractiveness of working conditions for researchers in the EU. The activities are meant to increase the number of research employees at European institutions. The EC supports institutions which implement the principles of the Charter and Code by organising meetings and discussions with the participation of the institutions concerned. Moreover, it promotes such institutions among international organisations and researchers as those which ensure the best work and development conditions to researchers.

More information is available at:

In December 2014, a working group for HR strategy for UITM has been established. It includes representatives of all levels of university authorities and communities: Vice-President for Science, proxies of deans for science, and heads and employees of selected (key) administrative departments and departments for research and teaching process support. In May 2016, an application for the right to use the HR Excellence in Research logo was submitted to the European Commission.

On 22 of September 2017, the UITM got confirmation from European Commission about receiving HR Excellence in Research logo.

In 2020 the UITM got a positive result of the external assessment concerning the implementation of HR Excellence in Research Strategy. The Award was renewed for further 3 years up to 3 March 2023.

The national law concerning the creation of a friendly environment for research and transparent rules for researcher recruitment binding at UITM is presented in the Internal (GAP) Analysis with links to webpages with the full text of the regulations.

UITM internal regulations are placed in the University’s online database. All employees have access to that database, and candidates for work have access to the acts by request.

HR Consulting Department:
Department of Science:


More information about HR Excellence in Research

University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow

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