Two diplomas from universities in Poland and China in just 5 years? Yes, it’s possible. We have just signed an agreement with Anshan Normal University.

- 2 + 2 programme (2 years at UITM and 2 years at ANU) addressed mainly to English Philology students with specialisation in Chinese language translation, who hold the HSK language certificate or who passed an internal exam in Chinese – organized at UITM during the recruitment process – at level 4 at least.
- 2 + 3 programme (2 years at UITM and 3 years at ANU) dedicated to students of all faculties who do not speak Chinese, but who are interested in Chinese language and culture and would like to increase their knowledge in this field. (This programme does not require Chinese language fluency.
Programme principles:
- All general subjects are taught in Chinese
- Students acquire education at UITM for the first 2 years and then pursue their studies at ANU (2 or 3 years depending on the study programme).
- Having completed 2 years of study at UITM and 2 or 3 years at ANU, having passed all exams and defending bachelor’s theses, students receive a UITM diploma in their field of study and ANU diploma in Chinese language (4 or 5 years of study in total).
- Tuition fees, accommodation and other costs are covered by students
- UITM students learn Chinese language and study culture from scratch at ANU
- Communicative level of English is required since all material (grammar and texts) is explained in English in the very beginning.
Application documents:
- An application form (in English)
- A copy of the first page in passport (with a photograph)
- A copy of 2 first blank pages in passport
(Please note: if you have already been to China, submit a copy of your last visa to China)
- Confirmation of Student’s status from International Office
- Transcript of records for the first 2 years at UITM
The offer is addressed to second-year students who would like to study at ANU in the following academic year.
Students receive a 50% discount on the tuition fee at UITM.