The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów has initiated a new scholarship programme: “School of Leaders” (SoL). Its main aim is to support talented students in their scientific development and help shape leadership attitudes and skills.
As a participant you can benefit from:
- individual tutoring by an academic teacher to help you develop your interests and competencies,
- free participation in exclusive specialist workshops,
- participating in projects and research conducted by UITM units,
- free consultations concerning starting your own business, offered by specialists from the UITM Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
- assistance of the Careers Service within planning your career path.
In addition, students belonging to the Program will receive an internship offer at UITM units, where they will have the chance to gain their first professional experience and acquire valuable skills in the labor market.
Qualification to the School of Leaders is based on applications for the Rector’s Scholarship. Students qualified for the highest scholarship ceiling, regardless of their nationality, field or year of study, or form of education, will be invited to participate in this elite Program. Then, the only condition will be to submit to the Scholarship Section (room 27/2 in the main building at 2 Sucharskiego St.) a declaration of participation along with the candidate’s CV.
Małgorzata Sokół
School of Leaders Coordinator

Scholarship programme implemented in cooperation with Santander Universidades