Social Work students had the opportunity to meet the representatives of “ZUPENE DOBRO”, which is an association focusing on helping people experiencing homelessness. They introduced the history and mission of the organization.

Zupełne Dobro, based in Rzeszów, Poland, is a dedicated organization committed to supporting individuals experiencing homelessness and food insecurity. Through its various initiatives, Zupełne Dobro aims to provide comprehensive assistance to those in need, fostering a sense of community and compassion.

Zupełne Dobro was founded with the belief that there is inherent goodness in everyone, and this goodness can be harnessed to help those in crisis. The organization’s mission is to extract and share this goodness by offering support to homeless individuals and those without food. Their vision is to create a community where everyone has access to necessities and the opportunity to improve their living conditions.

One of the standout projects of Zupełne Dobro is the “Magazyn ciepła” (Warehouse of Warmth) initiative. This project focuses on providing warm clothing and blankets to homeless individuals, especially during the harsh winter months. The initiative ensures that those who are homeless have access to essential items that can protect them from the cold and improve their overall well-being.

“Zupa na placu” (Soup on the Square) is another significant initiative by Zupełne Dobro, where volunteers gather to prepare and distribute hot meals to homeless individuals. This program not only addresses the immediate need for food but also creates a sense of community and belonging among the participants. By sharing a meal, volunteers and recipients alike can connect and support each other.

The organization places a strong emphasis on community involvement. Zupełne Dobro encourages residents to participate in their initiatives through volunteering, donations, and spreading awareness. By fostering a sense of collective responsibility, the organization aims to create a more inclusive and supportive community for everyone. The guests also emphasized how they want our Social Work Students to get involved in helping the community.

This meeting was one of a series of meetings with inspiring organizations dedicated to social welfare, support for those in need, and fostering community resilience. By continuing to interact with and learn from such organizations, Social Work students can better understand the impact of their future work and the importance of community-driven support systems.