Being an International student at UITM in Rzeszów has been an enriching experience that has shaped my academic and personal growth in profound ways.

As I reflect on my journey, I recognize the unique challenges and opportunities that come with studying abroad.

My name is Karen Kayiliza, a Social Work student at UITM from Zimbabwe. I am thrilled to share my personal journey experience to Poland. As I stepped off the plane in Warsaw,Poland,I felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. Leaving Zimbabwe to pursue my studies in a foreign  country, thousands of miles away from family,and my comfort zone was a daunting decision. I later knew it was one of the best decisions I have ever made by choosing UITM in Rzeszow Poland. The reputable programs, affordable tuition fees, unique cultural experience, diverse student community, the endless list of possibilities made me cast my fears into deep waters.

Initial Challenges and Adaptation

Arriving in Rzeszów, I was filled with excitement but also apprehension. The cultural shift was significant, and I faced the common challenges of language barriers and homesickness. However, the UITM community quickly became a source of support. The university organized orientation sessions that helped me understand the academic system and connect with fellow international students.

Participating in welcome events and social gatherings allowed me to meet students from diverse backgrounds, fostering friendships that have made my experience more enjoyable. The warmth of the local community also helped ease my transition, as many residents were eager to share their culture and traditions.

Academic Experience and Opportunities

The faculty members are approachable and dedicated to student success. They provide valuable guidance and mentorship, ensuring that we are well-prepared for our future careers. Additionally, the university’s connections with local businesses have opened doors for internships and networking opportunities, which are invaluable for my professional development.

Cultural Immersion and Personal Growth

Living in Rzeszów has allowed me to immerse myself in Polish culture. I have enjoyed exploring local cuisine, participating in traditional festivals, and learning about the history of the region. These experiences have enriched my understanding of the world and helped me develop a global perspective.

Moreover, I have taken part in various extracurricular activities, including cultural clubs and sports. These engagements have not only provided a break from academic pressures but have also allowed me to meet people with similar interests and passions.

Reflections on My Journey

As I progress through my studies, I realize how much I have grown as an individual. The challenges I faced have taught me resilience and adaptability, qualities that are essential in today’s interconnected world. My journey as an international student at UITM has not only equipped me with academic knowledge but has also fostered personal development.

Looking back, I am grateful for the opportunity to study in Rzeszów. The experiences I have gained and the friendships I have formed will stay with me long after I graduate. I encourage other international students to embrace the journey, as it is a unique opportunity for growth and discovery.