The exchange of experience, implementation of joint projects, and organization of joint ventures are the main assumptions of the partnership agreement between the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Rzeszów and the University of Information Technology and Management. As a result of the agreement, MOPS in Rzeszów becomes a strategic partner for the direction of Social Work.

The cooperation agreement, signed on June 6 this year, was signed by Joanna, Director of the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Rzeszów, and the Rector of UITM, Dr. hab. Andrzej Rozmus, Prof. UITM.

Cooperation between UITM and MOPS in Rzeszów will consist of the exchange of experiences, implementation of joint projects, particularly workshops and training, in order to improve the qualifications of MOPS employees and students, graduates, and employees of UITM. As part of the partnership for the field of Social Work, the participation of MOPS specialists in the review and updating of learning outcomes and study programs, conducting selected classes for students by MOPS employees, as well as the organization of internships and internships for students at the Municipal Social Welfare Centre in Rzeszów is planned.

With great satisfaction, I signed a partnership agreement with UITM for the implementation of internships in the area of Social Work with English-speaking students. I hope that the experience of MOPS in Rzeszów in providing social work will positively shape the practical approach of students to their future professional role and support of another person in sensitive areas of their life and functioning. I count on fruitful cooperation and joint exchange of experience aimed at creating innovative solutions in various spheres of everyday functioning, serving the good of other people – said Joanna, Director of the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Rzeszów.

The Municipal Social Welfare Center in Rzeszów is a strategic partner for us. In the education of social workers, i.e., future social welfare staff, it is extremely important to contact practitioners, i.e., experienced people doing this work on a daily basis. It is also important to show the role and activities of institutions involved in social assistance and Social Work. Such an institution is MOPS – says Dr. Monika Struck-Peregończyk, Vice-Dean of the College of Media and Social Communication for the field of Social Work – Thanks to the established partnership, our international students will be able to take a closer look at how social welfare institutions operate actively and effectively in Poland, and our course will gain substantive support from an experienced partner.

We also hope that our students, through student internships and volunteer activities organized in cooperation with MOPS, will be able to join the life of the local community.

The direction of social work responds to a very rapidly changing modern world – an aging society, an increased frequency of disability and health problems (also mental), growing inequality, and an unprecedented increase in the number of refugees. Labor market analyses indicate that a social worker is a profession for which the demand on the global labor market is systematically growing. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs for social workers will increase by 12% between 2020 and 2030, which means an average of 78,300 new jobs each year. The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów has been offering the field of Social Work on the English-language path since 2023.