Scientific research conducted at the Chair of Media and Social Communication focuses on studying various phenomena related to the mediatization of the surrounding reality, as well as media education, and education in the field of social communication. The main area of research concerns marketing communication, visual communication, media language and the impact of social media. Research is carried out by both the faculty and doctoral students.
Scientific and research projects financed from external sources:
Media image of chronic disease. An analysis of the discourse on diabetes in the Polish Internet
The purpose of the proposed scientific activity is to systematize the existing knowledge on the media image of diabetes and to map the main themes in the messages about diabetes in Polish Internet media. This objective will be achieved by conducting (1) an analysis of the subject literature in Polish and English, and (2) a conjunctural cross-sectional content analysis (Pisarek, 1983) of Polish Internet media over a period of min. 12 consecutive months. By examining the form and content of the messages, the study aims to recognize the potential impact of the transmitted information and diabetes narratives on the users of the studied media (broadcast functions), and thus on the potentially desirable directions for further health education of the public, which is a key element in improving the quality of life of people with diabetes (cf. Nowakowska & Lewartowska-Zychowicz, 2018). The main research questions are based on traditional media studies questions: who is talking about diabetes, what, to whom, using what tools, in what ways and with what effect? The research material will be collected using the Internet monitoring tool, Brand24, coded quantitatively and qualitatively in ProImago and Atlas.ti software. The researcher’s goals are (1) to develop conceptual and interpretive assumptions for content analyses of Polish support groups for people with diabetes and their loved ones in social media, and (2) to develop a research tool and research protocol for use in further research on chronic disease narratives in online media.
Project Manager: dr Iwona Leonowicz-Bukała
Implementation period: 10.12.2024-09.12.2025
Financing: NCN (MINIATURA) 2024/08/X/HS6/01725
Experiences of Receiving Ukrainian Refugees at Your Own Home. The Sociological Analysis of the Phenomenon of Polish Hospitality
Project Manager: Kamil Łuczaj, Ph.D.
Deputy Project Manager: Iwona Leonowicz-Bukała, Ph.D.
The scientific objective of this international project is to study the phenomenon of hosting refugees from Ukraine in Polish homes after the outbreak of war in Ukraine on 24.02.2023. The research serves to clarify the determinants of the residence of refugees and refugee women in private homes and apartments – it attempts to explain the complexity of the micro-dynamics of the relationship between hosts and hosts. They also aim to develop solutions (recommendations) that can be useful for entities and individuals involved in supporting people fleeing war.
The project is being carried out in cooperation between male and female researchers: University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, University of Lodz, N.V. Karazin Kharkiv National University from Ukraine, the University of Szczecin and the University of Montreal in Canada. The project is an outgrowth of research entitled. „GUEST-INNESS. Determinants of Polish assistance to refugees and refugee women from Ukraine on the example of the Podkarpackie region” conducted in 2022 at the University of Information Technology and Management.
Implementation period: 16.01.2023–16.01.2024
Financing: NAWA Intervention Grants Program
Multimedia & Communication in Education & Science
Project Manager: Sławomir Gawroński, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
The aim of the project is to further the current partnership through faculty exchange, establishing joint research teams and realisation of two international research projects, resulting in numerous publications of an international character. The key area of collaboration is science and teaching within media and social communication, in particular within new communication technologies. Duration: 2.10.2019–1.10.2022
Financing: International Academic Partnerships of NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange)
Scientific and research projects financed of the Ministry and from external sources:
Opinion of Polish scientists on changes in Polish science after 2018 in the light of their statements in X service
Project Manager: Andrzej Adamski, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
The main objective of the research is to answer the question of what is the attitude of Polish scientists to the government’s actions after 2018 in the field of state science policy, evaluation and parameterization of universities, and other changes in the legal and organizational environment conditioning the activities of scientific institutions in Poland.
Implementation period: 2024-2025
Spiritual Needs as an essential element of mental balance (Mental Health Care) in emergency situations on the example of pandemic COVID-19 – comparative analysis of the results of representative studies 2020 – 2024
Project Manager: Barbara Przywara, Ph.D.
The main objective of the study is to verify the hypothesis on the therapeutic function of spirituality in emergency situations such as the pandemic, and to answer the question about the possible directions of development of satisfaction of spiritual needs through various, increasingly technically advanced, forms of telepresence.
Implementation period: 2024
Effective methods of persuasion in building environmental awareness of youth in the context of sustainable development – based on a social experiment
Project Manager: Małgorzata Gosek, Ph.D.
In recent years, in CBOS surveys, the percentage of Poles concerned about climate change has successively increased (2009: 15%; 2021: 26%). 81% of Poles reported concerns about climate change, but surveys among 18-24 year olds showed lower awareness and less pro-environmental behavior than among older people. For young people (18-21 years old), on the list of values most important to them at this point in their lives, ecology ranked 25 out of 29, and in the ranking of things important for the future, living in a clean and green environment ranked last. These results are worrisome, as climate change and environmental degradation are constantly advancing.
The survey aims to answer the question of the effectiveness of various channels and forms of communicating pro-environmental content, specifically
-Whether messages with positive or negative overtones provide a wider reach and response in the 18-24 target group?
-Which social network: Facebook, Instagram or Tik Tok shows the greatest potential in reaching this target group?
Implementation period: 2024
Forms of visual communication in the media (on the example of the study of messages through infographics and posters)
Project Manager: Gabriela Piechnik-Czyż, Ph.D.
The proposed study includes an analysis of forms of communication that are visual messages, such as:
– posters, especially those prepared by social movements,
– infographics, which are visualizations of data, and thus can contribute to the popularization of ideas and attitudes,
The goal is to explore how the generations in question respond to visual messages, and whether they are more able to have an impact than text.
The goal is also to answer research questions, but also to explore the topic and set hypotheses, pilot the research tool – part of the research towards a PhD degree by a member of the team.
Implementation period: 2024
Facebook online support groups in chronic disease management using type 1 diabetes as an example. A leaders perspective
Project Manager: Iwona Leonowicz-Bukała, Ph.D.
The aim of the study is to identify the phenomenon of online groups operating in Poland for patients with chronic disease, using the example of type 1 diabetes.The analysis will focus on groups on Facebook, the most popular social network in Poland
Implementation period: 2023
COVID Gendered Academic Productivity – Polish Perspective
Project Manager: Iwona Leonowicz-Bukała, Ph.D.
COVID Gendered Academic Productivity – Polish Perspective is an international collaborative qualitative research project conducted by 4 researchers from Poland and Switzerland. The main aim of the study is to get an insight into the lived experience of scientists in Poland concerning research productivity during pandemic in the gender context. Nation-wide online qualitative survey on Qualtrics platform was conducted from 1st March to 9th May 2021. The phase of collecting data resulted in almost 600 responses, out of which almost 300 questionnaires were fulfilled correctly till the last question. The next phase of the study is based on the analysis of already collected data and making additional in-depth interviews among scholars, who left their contacts for follow up study. Main research questions concern the factors determining research productivity of Polish scholar in crisis situation on the case of SARS-Cov-2 pandemic.
Members of the research team are:
• Iwona Leonowicz-Bukała, Ph.D. (University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland)
• Olga Kurek-Ochmańska, Ph. D. (University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland)
• Monika Struck-Peregończyk, Ph.D. (University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland)
• Agata L. Lambrechts (USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland)
COVID Gendered Academic Productivity – Polish Perspective is based on the former research cooperation of 16 women scholars from USA, UK, Qatar and Poland within the international initiative COVID G.A.P. Simultaneously to Polish project, similar sister projects are being conducted/prepared in Mexico and Qatar. The possible term of finishing the COVID Gendered Academic Productivity – Polish Perspective is Fall 2022.
Implementation period: March 2020 – December 2022