For Researchers


One of the pillars of UITM’s activities since its inception has been to conduct high-quality scientific research.

This is reflected in the numerous publications in prestigious journals and publications for which employees can apply for funding by submitting a Application for financing of publication.

Our staff also actively participates in scientific life by attending and organizing national and international conferences.

Employees interested in participating in a particular conference can request funding for participation by Application for funding or financing of a scientific/didactic trip.


Scientific and research activities at UITM are carried out, among others, by departments and institutes.

Activities undertaken for several years are aimed at increasing the scientific activity of employees, with a particular focus on areas of strategic importance for the University, and strengthening the research portfolio of UITM, including attention to its diversification. Currently, one of the primary goals of the scientific policy is to establish international cooperation and conduct scientific research in international research teams.

Detailed information on the competitions is available on the websites:

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange 

The National Centre for Research and Development 

National Science Centre 


In order to support employees, the E-Learning section at UITM is thriving and supports Polish as well as English-speaking employees, providing assistance in the use of CISCO WEBEX and Moodle platforms.

The developed E-LEARNING COURSES and conducted TRAININGS for employees are very popular among employees.


In June and July 2022, a survey was conducted among research and teaching and research staff on the implementation of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

Fifty-five people responded to the survey questions, which is less than 50% of the surveyed group. The largest group of scientists participating in the survey were those with doctoral degrees.

The survey questions were divided into 4 groups.

The highest percentage of positive responses („strongly agree” and „agree”) was recorded in the 1st group of questions (Ethical and professional aspects). As many as 96% of scientists believe that when conducting scientific research at the University of Information Technology and Management they can be guided by freedom of belief and expression. 91% of respondents believe that ethical norms, principles and practices are observed in work and research conducted at UITM. Negative responses („strongly disagree”) from 2% of respondents appeared with the statement that the University supervises scientists in terms of responsibility for their work, especially for the effective use of the financial resources at their disposal. 33% of researchers found it „difficult to say,” and 4% strongly disagreed with the statement that research results are stored in such a way as to allow recovery of data lost due to, for example, information technology failures.

In the 2nd group of questions (Recruitment and evaluation), 88% of scientists agreed with the statement that the university has clear rules for applying for the position of professor, assistant professor, assistant professor, and that UITP has clear rules for scientific promotions. The statement that mobility (including virtual mobility) and change of discipline is seen as a valuable contribution to a scientist’s professional development was met with the most criticism (27%- „difficult to say”, 4% – „disagree”, 2% – „strongly disagree”).

In the 3rd group of questions (Working conditions), the largest share of positive responses (96%) fell on the statement that the University supports cooperation with business/industry and other external entities. The statement about the availability of career counseling at every stage of one’s career received 4% of negative responses and 36% of undecided responses („hard to say”). 15% of respondents reacted negatively to the statement about the balance between scientific activities and teaching.

In the 4th group of questions (Training), as many as 94% of respondents confirmed that they have the opportunity to develop their skills and improve their qualifications (by attending trainings, conferences, courses, etc.).

Overall, the picture that emerges from the survey is that of the University as a friendly place that is conducive to the career development of research and teaching staff. The results of the survey were forwarded to the University’s authorities and the heads of the various administrative units to analyze and undertake measures to improve the situation in areas where the survey showed certain deficiencies.


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University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow

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35-225 Rzeszow, Poland

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